Previous Proxy Preview Reports

Proxy Preview 2023

Proponents have filed at least 542 shareholder resolutions on environmental, social and related sustainable governance issues for the 2023 proxy season, about the same as last year and on track to match or exceed last year’s unprecedented final total of 627. A shift at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last year dramatically cut the number of proposal omitted and far fewer companies have submitted challenges in 2023; 12 have been omitted to date and the SEC staff has yet to respond to 76 more challenges (compared with 103 in mid-February 2022). Withdrawals appear to be down—just 76 so far compared with 106 last year, but negotiations in engagements are ongoing and many are likely to produce agreements. While 454 were slated for votes as of mid-February, this number will drop.

Proxy Preview 2022

This year, 2022, heralds significant shifts in the topics proponents raise, with many more on climate change and racial justice. Corporate political influence resolutions also increasingly focus on the viewpoints that receive company-connected money for elections and lobbying. New topics abound about decent work, including pay and working conditions. But resolutions on general approaches to sustainable corporate governance have fallen dramatically, given advances in board diversity and ubiquitous sustainability disclosures from companies.

Proxy Preview 2021

The tumultuous events of 2020 prompted a slew of new shareholder proposals investors will consider in 2021. New angles are most apparent in the big increase in resolutions about racial justice and equal opportunity, but proponents also are raising fresh ideas about worker safety, climate transition planning and lobbying.

Proponents have filed at least 435 shareholder resolutions on environmental, social and sustainability issues for the 2021 proxy season, with 313 pending as of February 19. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff have allowed the omission of 24 proposals so far in the face of company challenges; companies have lodged objections to at least 74 more that have yet to be decided—12 more than at this time last year. Proponents have already withdrawn about 90 proposals, however, up from 78 at this time last year and 71 in mid-February 2019.

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Proxy Preview 2020

Proxy Preview 2020
, released by As You Sow, the Sustainable Investments Institute, and Proxy Impact, offers a comprehensive look at more than 400 shareholder resolutions filed on environmental, social, and sustainable governance (ESG) issues. Out of 429 filings, more than 300 are headed for votes at corporate annual meetings this spring.

While the SEC is poised to restrict future proposals with new rules expected this spring, investors have doubled down on requests for more oversight and transparency about corporate spending on political influence, climate change, and fair treatment for women on boards and in the workplace. Two-thirds of the proposals address these issues. Shareholder proponents also want action on human rights and links between executive pay and performance on a wide range of environmental and social issues.

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Proxy Preview 2019

Proxy Preview 2019
, released by As You Sow, Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), and Proxy Impact, offers a comprehensive look at nearly 400 shareholder resolutions filed on environmental, social, and sustainable governance (ESG) issues. Of the 400, 303 are now headed for votes at corporate annual meetings this spring.

Corporate political influence spending and climate change top investors’ concerns in about half the proposals filed. Yet investors also want more diverse boards of directors, better sustainability disclosure, more transparency, and action on human rights, fair pay, and equitable working conditions. Investors this spring also will get to cast votes on corporate connections to contentious immigration practices, digital privacy, hate speech, and the opioid crisis.


Proxy Preview 2018

Proxy Preview 2018
 is the 14th annual edition of the insider’s guide to social and environmental shareholder proposals. Proxy Preview 2018 offers:

  • An overview of hundreds of environmental, social and sustainable governance resolutions filed for the upcoming proxy season

  • In-depth analysis of the resolutions by co-author Heidi Welsh Executive Director of Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2)

  • A user-friendly index of all companies with upcoming social and environmental proxy votes this season

  • Background and resources on shareholder proposals and advocacy by dozens of proponents curated and edited by co-author Michael Passoff CEO of Proxy Impact (PI)

  • A re-cap of the 2017 proxy season

Proxy Preview 2017

Climate change proposals continue to ask about its strategic implications and how companies will adapt to physical changes, new regulations and new technologies. They also address methane leaks from U.S. energy production and encourage more carbon tracking and goal-setting, but renewable energy proposals have been cut in half. New climate-related resolutions ask about high-carbon asset divestment and carbon finance risks. Other environmental issues include antibiotic resistance in the meat supply chain, the reduction of food waste and nanomaterials in infant formula.

Proxy Preview 2016

Proxy Preview 2016 covers social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity. The report provides analysis and expert insight to help you navigate the issues and successfully vote your shares.

Proxy Preview 2015

Proxy Preview 2015 covers the record-breaking 433 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity. The report provides analysis and expert insight to help you navigate the issues and successfully vote your shares.